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"I will hold Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." - Charles Dickens.
Lighting the Way
Peppermint Teddies: Candy Cane Seat
Peppermint Teddies: Ta Da!
Redwork Little Girl Wreath
Redwork Lighting the Way
Christmas with a Candle
Noel Song Book
Merry Christmas in Swedish
Box Gift with Bow
Contempo Ornaments
Noel #2
Redwork Simple Gift
Redwork Snowman & Mittens
Redwork Santa's Toy Bag #1
Christmas Around the World: Portuguese
Christmas Around the World: Yugoslavian
Santa Bear Wreath
Redwork Little Angel Wreath
Redwork Snowball Juggling
Redwork I Can't Wait
Illustrated MOY: December
Spread the Christmas Spirit
The Spirit of Christmas #3
Decorative Christmas Tree Silhouette
Merry Christmas in Italian
Merry Christmas in Hebrew
Redwork Angel Bunny
Joy to the World Bunny Angel
Redwork Horse on Wheels
Christmas Around the World: Turkish
Making a Friend
Peppermint Teddies: Candy Cane Horse
Redwork Peppermint Teddies: Guess Which Hand
Redwork Peppermint Teddies: Marching with Candy Canes
Redwork Little Penquin Wreath
Redwork Skiing Snowman
I Can't Wait
Hanging Bells Corner
Small Christmas Text
Merry Christmas in Galician
Merry Christmas in Rumanian
Merry Christmas in Samoan
Merry Christmas in South African
Merry Christmas in Turkish
Merry Christmas in Yugoslavian
Candle Yard Lamp
Adeste FidelesChristmas Sheet Music Design
Redwork Little Beaver Christmas Stocking